Help is standing by 24 x 7.
Housing is a basic human right, that’s why in 2012 Palm Beach County opened its first single-point of access location to connect homeless individuals and families to services, resources and housing.
The Senator Philip D. Lewis Center offers hope for a home, a job and a way to end your homelessness.
Accessing services at The Lewis Center – What you need to know:
You can get a referral to the Lewis Center on a 24-hour basis, 365 days a year. The Lewis Center has assembled a team of service providers, each offering a distinct service to meet the unique needs of each client.
To access services at the Lewis Center you must call 833-442-9455.
Please do not arrive at the Lewis Center without having received an appointment time.
Upon referral, a navigator at the Lewis Center will interview you, input your information and help you locate and access the services and providers that fit your needs.
Call 833-442-9455 to request a referral in to the Lewis Center.
Email: assist@lewiscenterpbc.org
Address: 1000 45th Street, West Palm Beach, FL 33407
345 S. Congress Ave Delray
Beach, FL 33445
Phone: 561.355.4663
Email: info@hcpbc.org
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